Saturday, June 21, 2008

True Life: I've Joined the Amish

Dear readers,
i've come to the realization that though technology is at my fingertips, a mere saunter down to the slightylu moldy staff lounge and a click away, i am not particularly partial to sauntering nor to clicking, which poses as a difficulty. Also, i don't really want to spend my free time in the dungenous and addiction world of the computers in the staff lounger so i find it would be more productive to handwrite my blogs as we, the Bnai Brith staff of 2008 sit and fill our beings with words of the wise via michelle koplan, and tranfer my thoughts later. **note that this original message was scribbled illegibly and then formated to fit your screen** Don't you fret though. Despite the fact it may SEEM unlikely that i am letting my spongey soul fully soak up all this knowledge, i assure tou that it is quite the opposite. Statuatory rape, crisis management, don't bully, do help out... thank g-d i'm so damn attentive. This shit is golden. So far camp has been excellent. Camp time,however, has thrown off both my mental and biological clock. Now not only am i incapable of gaging time, but i think i'm prone to an early onset of menopause. This is yet another reason why i have found it difficute to get on the internet and do what i need to. Blogging may take 10 or 20 minutes of my precious time, which at camp equivacates to, i don't know, a millenia? and if you expect me to just drop a thousand years at the drop of a hat so that your beedy eyes can stay updates on my mundane, detallic stories of my life, you my friend are seriously mistaken.

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