Saturday, June 14, 2008

choo choo

Welcome passengers to my metaphorical train ride into the world of the internet. Yes, we're departing late, seeing as all those i look up to are already avid professional bloggers, but i thought to myself better late than never. This upcoming 3 month long ramble will be filled with wholesome summer time fun, along with the occasional minute fleeting thought. It may be a day's journal, or simply some ingenious idea that i feel should be told to the public. I can't tell if this blog is more for me than it is for anyone else. In fact, if you've spoken to me before, i'm sure you think that i have nothing more to say, but in reality i sensor the shit out of daily chit-chat, so beware about what you have stumbled upon today.
I have several reasons for starting this blog on this very saturday morning, some of which are:
  • first and foremost i'm simply following my life motto of doing, not watching (if you have a blog, chances are i've already read it)
  • inspiration from the unknowing emily zurrow
  • countless failed attempts at journaling (most likely because there is no way i can write as fast as i think. However typing, thanks to the cyber lifestyle of the average 21st century teen, is another story)
  • the realization that i have yet to feel that i have left a lasting mark on the world, and where better to start than the cluttered mess of lost souls and occasional naked picture of vanessa hudgens that we call the internet?
I thought about many a thing before entering the world of blogging; what will i say, who will give a damn, how is noob properly spelled, the basic worries. In the end i decided that this written adventure can in reality do very little harm, aside from making readers go temporarily blind, dazed, and/or confused. Becca left for camp today, which gives me a significant amount of extra time on my hands. Weeks ago we both admitted that we're the perfect platonic soul mates. I should buy her flowers. Since i don't have enough room or patience to go over the happenings of summer pre-blog, i'll have to describe it in the best way Becca and i deemed possible: Deja drinking, dancing, driving, destination, and douchebags, though not necessarily in that order. This is rachel sherman, your captain, wishing you a safe journey until my next entry. over and out.
**daily goal: come up with a better departing catch phrase**

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