Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"i bought her a drink, but she wouldn't sleep with me, so i bought her another"

Unless the man sitting to my right is robin williams in Jack, then i'd have to assume from his completely greyed hair and full bearded look that he's around 50. However my inadvertent eavesdropping would tell me otherwise. I would like to assume the teenage attitude towards relationships would grow as you do, but maybe it's simply instilled in certain people, which leaves me very worried. Today someone described college in the best way i could think of. Before coming into this world of scheduled thought even i had the attitude that, hey, i'm going into the real world. Well, college baby, is anything but. We live in this world, a "student ghetto", a redlined area for people going through the exact same things that i am, all told that they are intelligent enough to come here, and floating on the remnants of that belief. And i'm right there with them, up stream, with one of those shitty plastic paddles. So it may be this atmosphere that has left me thinking that nothing in the world is different, especially attitudes about love. We've all got that modern-love-bug. Take nothing seriously, skate by, waiting for the next best thing, because once it's good it'll eventually come to us. At least, that's what Mr. Middle-aged on my starboard side thinks. He, and his fairly silent but agreeable friend just "doesn't give a fuck" and is "just looking for a good time". It's not that bad, i tell myself. No big. Because i have faith that eventually i'll be in the process of searching for a great time, a long time, a life time? Maybe this is what we've entered, an era of haphazard relationships, bumping into one another and ricocheting off in the opposite direction until we run into someone else. The seven-year itch has expanded into a full-fledged bodily rash, that leaves us wanting to scratch all the live long day. I heard oatmeal baths help, however i'm not sure how to relieve an irritated mind. The most devastating part of this scenario is that my sweater is dangerously similar to that mans. I see my future, and it is middle-aged and meek.

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