Today i found my fingers itching for the comforting click of key-typing today, a clear facebook-withdrawal symptom after LJ and i took a girlscouts oath to stop wasting our lives away on the ether and changed each others' passwords. however the age old adage rings true once more reminding me that when one door closes, another one opens. so here i am, 4 internet tabs away from insanity, browsing through craigslist personal ads, episodes of old addicting tv shows, pictures of celebrities, mayan facts, BBCmundo, anything that could relieve my need for rifling through other people's personal lives in the privacy of my own room. i took a short, but well earned, bathroom break, and upon my return i saw the severity of the situation, with the window showing a list of fight-club quotes, and decided that i need a different form of therapeutic release, just to ease my aching-facebookless-soul.
Maybe banning facebook, the one stable aspect of my life at the moment, wasn't such a good decision. It was almost comforting to know that i had the overly published details of every person's life that i have so much as smiled at lingering right there in front of me. Although i never really care about how much homework chelsea has, or even remember who the fuck ezra, who is now single by the way, is, the fact that i could access said information was a great fall back. But the truth is that while FB allows me to get a sneak-peak into the lives of other unimportant people who i don't think about, it distracts me from thinking about, well, me.
So here's my plan b: blogging. I keep telling myself that i'll keep this updated because it serves as my own mental release from whatever was clogging my mind beforehand, but the idea of it seems so very angsty. I was rarely angsty in highschool, mostly bitter, but even so i generally kept it to myself. However it seems that the blogging-boat that i embarked on was filled with throngs of angry-angsty teens pouring their hearts and souls, or rather other people's depressing song lyrics, out and into public domain. After spending some time sifting through teens writings, i realized more and more that i was becoming one of them, an idea that both shocked and attracted me. It's mob mentality basically. I have no need to recount how linkin park was obviously writing about my life when they wrote the song "i was born this angry, i can't help it, go fuck yourself", but if everybody's doing it then it must be good. Anyways, i hereby dub this post a semi-permanent welcome back party for myself, that is, until i forget to return tomorrow. Let's whip out the streamers and champagne baby.
Monday, April 6, 2009
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