Saturday, July 26, 2008

inkblot test

Finally, at the pinnacle of the summer, i have happened upon that moment when the culmination of all my schooling has come into action. PSYCH. Instead though i have decided that the majority of the bullshit i was spoonfed had little to no applicability to my life. So, as i try to better myself, i will force everything i know to fit into my cloudy mind. Round peg, square hole syndrome. In trying to think about the least helpful tidbits of knowledge that i have crammed for, only one specific man of the hour came to mind. Sigmund Freud was a crack addict living in an anal time period where women were repressed, men froliked around care-free like ponies, and everyone needed to get laid. One concept that he coined was the idea of catharsis. And so in this meddled mind of mine, i find that catharsis (which i have never used and feel that i probably never will) shall be my sole release. Hey, don't blame a woman for trying something new.
Thai food, cigarettes, paper, pens, keys, life, keyhole, locks, wallet, missing my wallet, where the fuck are my keys, dirty room, marraige, becca pasik, ignored, shabbat, shabbat shafuckinglom, roomate, college, packing, RC, learning, loving, growing, bed, growing pains, threes company, old tv, movies, balnkets, comfort, lacking comfort, despondent, air freshener, i could use some pop tarts. Analyze that oh great psychological father. Analyze that.

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